Mary Matha ICSE School, Pudukad


1. Admissions to Mary Matha ICSE School are restricted by certain government regulations and by condition of age, mental attitude, ability and conduct of the candidate. Applicants for admission will be interviewed, tested and admitted to the standard they are found fit, according to the vacancies available.

2. Every candidate for admission must be introduced by the parent / guardian who will be responsible for his / her conduct, progress in studies, discipline and payment of fees.

3. The Principal reserves the right of refusing admission to a pupil without ascribing any reason for it. He also reserves the right of refusing continued studies of any pupil whose conduct is found not satisfactory or who is not benefitting by his stay and study in this School.

4. Admissions to the ICSE stream are made by the School authorities from our Upper Kindergarten depending on their norms of selection and availability of the seats. The consent of the parents and the academic progress of the students will also be taken into consideration while making the selection to the ICSE stream.

Mary Matha ICSE School


A Student may be dismissed on the following grounds:

Irregular attendance
Habitual idleness
Disobedience or defiance of authority
Non co-operation or misconduct of parent
Malpractice in connection with examinations
Misbehaviour in public places, streets and conveyances
Lack of sufficient improvement in conduct and studies even after warnings
Conduct injurious to the moral tone of the School.

Rules and Regulations

As regular attendance is an important element for successful school work, no student should absent, himself / herself from class without sufficient reasons. Incase of serious illness, the Principal must be informed on time, and leave application should be accompanied by a doctor’s certificate. Long absence from the school without prior intimation will be viewed seriously. They are liable to be removed from the roll. Absence due to illness or any other reason should be intimated at once. Prior permission is required even for a short period of leave - day or two. Leave record should be duly filled by the parent / guardian on the pages provided in Hand Book.

It is not advisable for parents to take away their wards during class hours. If a parent wants to take the child during class hours, prior permission of the Principal is required and the same should be intimated through the diary.

Absence from test papers and examinations will be considered a serious breach of school discipline. Pupils who absent themselves from any of the terminal examinations, for any reason , other than sickness justified by doctor’s certificate will be considered having failed in that particular examination. It is compulsory that all students should be in full uniform as instructed.
Boys should wear vests under the shirt and avoid low-waist trousers at school.
Girls should not wear their hair loose.From classes 1-10 should wear their hair in two plaits.Avoid all cosmetics.
Gold ornaments, fancy ear rings and bangles are not allowed in the school.
Students are not permitted to grow / polish their nails, color their hair.
Senior boys are not permitted to grow moustache, beard or to come unshaven to school.
All fashion wears are prohibited in school.